January 12, 2025 • Baptism of Jesus

Jesus teaches us to think of Holy Baptism as being “born again.”

Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” . . . Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:3,5-6

In this image of “born again,” your first birth was from your mother, where you were conceived and born into sin and death. Now, in Holy Baptism, you are born again – born a second time — born from above — by the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God in the water of Holy Baptism. This is a spiritual birth as opposed to a physical birth. In both “births”, you are complete passive. Your mother did the work in your physical birth; God does the work when you are born again. God is at work in your Baptism: He washes you clean from your sins and gives you eternal life. In Holy Baptism, you are redeemed from sin, set free from guilt, cleansed from unrighteousness, rescued from the world, delivered from the devil, and saved from death. Holy Baptism is God at work with a life giving miracle in your life! Without Baptism, there is no life. Because of God’s work in Holy Baptism, you will not die in your sin; you will live in Christ and His Resurrection!

Consider yourself baptized in Christ!

You belong to the Lord!
God is your Father in heaven!
Your sins have been washed away!
You are filled with the Holy Spirit!
You have a new life of holiness to live!

In a world that is lost and confused and has turned everything upside down; you have an identity in your Baptism! You belong to the Lord; you are well pleasing in His sight through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Your Baptism unites you to Jesus your Savior. All the gifts he has earned for you comes to you through Holy Baptism!

His Baptism – and your Baptism are a big deal! Amen!

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