January 26, 2025 • The Light of Christ

If you struggle with doubt, then consider it like a fire in your house. You immediately put it out; you do not kindle the fire, nor let it burn, because it will grow into a blazing inferno and all would be lost. Doubt is like that, it is like a little fire that burns slowly and quietly, but can quickly explode into a major and destructive blaze. Just as you would immediately put a fire our in your house, quash any doubt that you may have. Don’t indulge in it otherwise it will grow. Treat your doubt as a temptation; consider it sin; realize it comes from the evil one and his depraved demons. Repent of it, confess it to God, and hear words of forgiveness for you. Look Outside Yourself and turn to Christ and His Word.

Christ is the Light of the World;
He is Truth and His Word is True!

Turning to Christ and His Word means that you fill your mind with Scripture; specifically the area in which you are being tempted to doubt. Bring the Scriptures to bear on your doubt; let the power of Gods Holy Word work in your heart and mind; let the Holy Spirit strengthen you! The Holy Spirit works through the Holy Scriptures to give you assurance, conviction, and true faith. God’s Holy Word is living, active, and powerful: it brings peace to your mind, rest to your spirit, and confidence to your heart.

That is the solid ground on which you stand!
That is the compass by which you live your life!
That is the power of God at work in and through you!

Christ is the Light of the world and His Word is true: in Him you find assurance, conviction, peace, and true faith.


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