Mite Box Sunday
The mite box focus for the month of December is the renovation of JEM Seminary buildings in Nigeria. For more information about this project go to
The mite box focus for the month of December is the renovation of JEM Seminary buildings in Nigeria. For more information about this project go to
JR Youth: Let’s Make a Big Mess • BYOP: Bring Your Own Pumpkin • CONTEST and PRIZES • When: Sunday, October 30th from 2:30-5:30 • Where: Little Lambs • Bring a pumpkin to paint or carve and a snack to share • BONUS: Stay and worship at the 6pm service!...
Trinity Church’s annual recruitment/training meeting for new and/or returning acolyte and crucifer families will be held in the sanctuary on Oct 23 from 12:45 – 2pm. An acolyte is the child who lights the candles on the altar. The crucifer is the one who carries the cross into and out...
Purchase Fall Festival wristbands at $15 in the school office for unlimited games, bounce houses, face painting and fun! Family cap is $40. Children 2+ need a wristband. Parents are free with child! We still need Trunks and Volunteers! Please email Jennifer Moya to join in the fun!
PSW District Arizona Regional High School Youth Gathering iNVESTIGATE: Ecclesiastes 7:25 Nov 18-20, 2016 in Gilbert, AZ $125 per person includes hotel/food/FUN! Pick up and Turn in your Forms + Registration Fees into Laura ASAP!
Sunday, Oct 16 at 4 PM – 8 PM at White Tank Mountains.FRIENDS ALWAYS WELCOME! MUST Turn In Permission Slip/Health Form. We will meet in the the White Tank Branch Library at 4pm. Using the Mule Deer Trail, we’ll hike to Area 4’s group picnic area to grill up burgers,...