2021 Advent
Advent begins our preparation for the upcoming Christmas season! Advent is a word that means arrival; it’s a time when the Holy Christian Church prepares for the arrival of Christ; we remember His birth in Bethlehem after centuries of promises in the Old Testament. It’s a joyous and expectant time in the Church Year; it’s a time to remember those promises of the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the New Testament. It’s a time to hear once again those precious and treasured stories that surround the birth of Christ!
This year for our Advent preparation, we will certainly remember the stories that surround the birth of Christ; but we will also look at the theology and doctrine of the birth of Christ according to the Book of Hebrews.
It may surprise you that we are looking at the Book of Hebrews during this Advent season, but Hebrews will give you an unique perspective, and a deeper understanding of why Christ was born in Bethlehem for us. Hebrews teaches us the depth and significance of the birth of Jesus!
Our Great Salvation, Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection that sets us free from our sins, is why Jesus was born in Bethlehem! As we begin our Advent preparation, we learn from the book of Hebrews Who was really in that manger; we learn from the book of Hebrews Who Mary’s child is, and of Whom the angels sang!