The One, Holy, Christian, and Apostolic Church is the formal way of talking about all believers of all times and all places. It is the sum total of all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. Dressed like a High Priest, with a long robe […]

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The time between Jesus’ Ascension and when He returns on the Last Day is called the End Times, or the Last Days. We are living our lives in these Last Days; these End Times have been about 2,000 years or so, so far. Only the Father in Heaven knows when the End will come, but […]

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“Parousia” is the New Testament word that means “return of the King”. It is used to describe the Last Day when Jesus will return as the King of all things. Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead; it will be visible, every eye will see Him, history will end, and the dead […]

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