August 8, 2021 • The “Paraclete”

During Jesus’ life, He came alongside the disciples to walk with them, protect them, and teach them the things of God. After His death and resurrection, He ascended into Heaven … but He did not abandon His Disciples. Jesus sent them the Holy Spirit to continue to walk alongside of them, just as He promised. […]

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August 1, 2021 • Life & Judgement

Think about the last 38 years of your life. How old were you 38 years ago? What have you all seen and done and experienced in those 38 years? For some of you, you’re not even 38 years old yet, so think about your entire lifetime. 38 years is how long the man in the […]

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July 25, 2021 • The Good Shepherd

You are probably familiar with Psalm 23, and perhaps it is one of your favorites Psalms: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…” It’s a well-known Psalm of King David that brings great comfort to God’s People. In fact, you probably have most of it memorized because you have heard it so many […]

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July 18, 2021 • Crisis!

Every time someone hears the Gospel promises of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is right there to create faith so that a person can believe those promises for themselves. But yet, Jesus divides people because each person has the power to reject the Words of Jesus. Every man, woman, and child can harden […]

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July 11, 2021 • Living Water

When was the last time you read anything from the Old Testament book of Ezekiel? Don’t you just love it when you can spend a few minutes in one of these ancient, inspired texts of God’s Holy Word? Ezekiel is certainly one of the hardest books of the Old Testament to understand, but our passage […]

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July 4, 2021: Lifted Up

Jesus was lifted up in death on a cross for us; and by faith in Him, you will be lifted up in life on the Last Day. Your body will be lifted up out of the grave and you will live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven in a resurrected and glorified body. This is […]

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June 27, 2021: The First Sign

Can you imagine seeing Jesus work a miracle? Wouldn’t that be something?! That must have been how the disciples felt at that wedding in Cana. They had just started following Jesus, they were trying to get to know Him, they were starting to learn His teachings, they were beginning to have faith in Him as […]

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One of the interesting things that happens in the Gospel of John is that John the Baptist never baptizes Jesus! The Gospel of John picks up the story after Jesus has been baptized! The focus is on how John the Baptist understood the Baptism of Jesus and its significance. The overwhelming emphasis is on “John […]

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June 13, 2021: The WORD of God

If you have ever wondered if Jesus was really God Himself, then the first three verses of the Gospel of John should set your mind at rest. The emphasis in these verses is that Jesus Himself is the One, True, and Only God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, […]

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May 30, 2021 • The Holy Trinity

ALL IDOLS AND FALSE GODS ARE DEMONS. I know that is a bold statement that might catch you off guard. But it’s true. All idols and false gods are demonic. There is no such thing as “other gods”. It is not like there is a pantheon of gods and as Christians, we follow the one […]

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