I am sure that you have all seen tombstones, especially in old western movies, that have RIP written on them. RIP is from a Latin phrase that means “rest in peace”. RIP seems to have been a practice of the early Christian Church. Graves dating back to 400AD have been found with the inscription. But […]

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October 30, 2022 • 1974 AD

Over the last several weeks, we have been looking at key dates of the Lutheran Reformation, events in the lives of our spiritual ancestors in the faith that affect us. Today we’re going to look at one more date, a date that also affects all of us, 1974. What were you doing in 1974? I […]

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October 23, 2022 • 1847 AD

There are two main reasons why entire church bodies, denominations, can drift so far into apostasy. The first and foremost reason is that they deny Holy Scripture as the authority in the Christian faith and life. For one reason or another, the Word of God is minimized, neglected, or even denied. Once Scriptural authority is […]

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October 16, 2022 • 1580 AD

It was a tumultuous time after Luther’s death; Satan was having a heyday with all of these controversies. The people were confused, and the Gospel was at risk again. But once again, God raised up faithful men to proclaim the truth of God’s Holy Word. That’s where the year 1580 becomes important. In 1580, the […]

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October 9, 2022 • 1546 AD

476 years ago Martin Luther died. It was around 3am on February 18, 1546 The man whom God used to reform the Holy Christian Church died in complete faith and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. When Luther died, a scrap of paper was found in his pocket, and in his own handwriting he had […]

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October 2, 2022 • 1530 AD

The high point of the Lutheran Reformation was June 25, 1530. It was three o’clock in the afternoon and the Lutheran reformers were standing before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. On that day, the Lutheran reformers boldly confessed their faith with the words of the Augsburg Confession, knowing that their very lives were at […]

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September 25, 2022 • 1521 AD

1521 was the point of no return for Martin Luther and the Lutheran Reformers. 1521 was the year of the final break between Martin Luther and the Roman Catholic Church. April 18, 1521, at 4pm, Luther again stood before the Emperor Charles V and made his reply. Martin Luther refused to renounce the truth of […]

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September 18, 2022 • 1517AD

Over the next several weeks, as a lead-up to the celebration of the Lutheran Reformation, we will spend some time with Historical Theology. We’ll take a look at the key dates of the Lutheran Reformation, and see how the Holy Spirit has worked through history to preserve the Gospel, and what the implications are for […]

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September 4, 2022 • 2 & 3 John

Today we’ll take a look at three themes from the books of 2 & 3 John. Two of these themes work well to summarize the two major themes of 1 John. The most important theme in all of John’s books is that of Christology; John is writing in order that you have a right understanding […]

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