July 14, 2024 • Homoousios

The Holy Spirit worked through the Council of Nicaea to proclaim the truth of Holy Scripture: that Jesus is homoousios with the God the Father, that is of the same substance. Those who taught that Jesus was only similar to God the Father were condemned as false teachers. Homoousios; NOT Homoiousios The entire second article […]

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Lord. Jesus. Christ. These are three of the most important words in Holy Scripture. They teach us who Jesus is and what He has done for us. 1,700 years ago the One, Holy, Christian, and Apostolic Church used these three words to confess the truth about the Son of God and to defend at the […]

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When it comes to the Doctrine Of Creation, we are on a pretty small island. There are only a handful of Christian denominations that hold to the teaching of Holy Scripture and the Creation of the World. The Bible teaches us that God created the heavens and the earth and everything seen and unseen in […]

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1700 years ago God raised up men and women who boldly confessed Jesus Christ and the truth of His Word. They stood their ground against immense pressure. And now it’s our turn, in our generation, in our era, to stand our ground and boldly confess Jesus Christ and the truth of His Word. And the […]

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The second and third words of the Bible introduce us to the Holy Trinity. In Genesis 1:1 it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” If you were going to study this in detail, you would find that the word “God” is plural, and the verb “created” a singular. There is […]

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What do you know about the Holy Spirit? Your first thought might be that of a dove — since the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove at Jesus’ Baptism. But remember that dove was just a visible form; the Holy Spirit is not a dove! Nor is He the sound and fire […]

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