One of the gifts of salvation that is given to you is parrasia, confidence and boldness, to approach God in prayer. You have unrestricted and authorized access to God. No one in the Old Testament times could ever approach God like you can now in these New Testament times4! You have unrestricted, unlimited, direct and […]

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One of the most fascinating, yet mysterious, teachings of the Bible is the Mystical Union. The term Mystical Union describes God living within you. The Bible speaks about all three Persons of the Holy Trinity living and dwelling within you in a real, special, and unique way. The Apostle John teaches us about the Mystical […]

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One of the most endearing, easy-to-understand Gospel images is that of God the Father. • If your earthly father was a good man who loved you and cared for you, then this Gospel image of God the Father is precious to you. • If your earthy father failed you or maybe even hurt you, then […]

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Today we heard Jesus warn us about false teachers when He said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many … many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” Matthew 24:4,5,11 The Apostle John echoes that when he writes, […]

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When John writes, “Do not love the world nor the things of the world”, he is not talking about the beauty of Creation: the trees and mountains, oceans and lakes, sunrises and sunsets; nor is he talking about the people of the earth. In fact, God loves the people of the earth and sends us […]

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What kind of words describe your faith? What adjectives would you use when you think about your Christian faith in life? Do you think of your faith with words like timid, weak, shaky; or are you thinking of words like confident, sure, and consistent? The Apostle John writes to his congregations in order that they […]

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