The Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’ prayer that He shares with us. It’s a model prayer: it’s a structure, format, and content for us to use in our own prayers to Our Father In Heaven. Today we are looking at the phrase, Thy Will Be Done. You can view God’s will in two ways: His Revealed […]

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Do you know how you were named? Perhaps you have a family member’s name; or you are named after someone significant to your parents. Perhaps your name comes from the Bible, or maybe your parents were working with a theme when naming you. Or maybe your folks just liked the name, and wanted to give […]

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The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered the greatest Biblical archaeological discovery ever made. They are ancient documents discovered by a shepherd boy in 1947. He stumbled into a cave on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea where the ancient settlement of Qumran was located. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain parts of every Old Testament […]

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St. Paul was personally chosen by the resurrected Lord Jesus to be an Apostle. He is an authentic Apostle with the genuine Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul speaks with authority even today. The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Galatians, and we consider it inspired and inherent; it is part of the Holy […]

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Today we hear the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall into sin. The story of the Fall is pretty familiar to everybody, even unbelievers will recognize the story the devil using a serpent to tempt Eve; and Eve listening to him and eating of the fruit of the tree that God commanded her […]

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The Book of Galatians contains one of the most powerful gospel statements in all the New Testament. It’s this verse: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 Because of Jesus, God no longer remembers […]

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