The Christian Church is about proclaiming eternal salvation, and that eternal salvation is only found in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His life, death, and resurrection. Only in Him do you find life, peace, and the forgiveness of sins! In God’s great love and mercy for us, He freely gives us […]
The word vindicate means to show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified. It has the idea of substantiating, or demonstrating, that something is true. The resurrection of Jesus Christ vindicates everything that Jesus said. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is such a grand and great miracle that it shows, demonstrates, and proves that […]
Alleluia! The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed! A blessed Easter to each of you as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! Easter is God the Father’s most powerful witness to you of His deep love and compassion. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most public demonstration […]
In the biblical narrative, the Palm Sunday weekend was a very busy time for Jesus. There was a flurry of activity and some key miracles right before Jesus triumphantly enters into Jerusalem. St. John tells us that the people didn’t know what to make of Jesus; in fact, he tells us of four responses to […]
I’m sure you have heard of the term “Vicious Cycle”? Its term that means that a series of negative events occur that reinforce each other and generate even more negative results and consequences. In other words, its one trouble that leads to another! Maybe you have said it like this: “When it rains, it pours!” […]
The “Old Adam” is a reference to Original Sin. Original Sin is the sin that you are born with that separates you from God, it is the reason why you will die, and it leads to all the other sins that you commit. In Baptism it drowns and dies — and you are given a […]
Jesus uses the image of hunger and food to teach us the Gospel. Jesus said that He is the “Bread of Life” that came down from Heaven and gives life to the world. Jesus Himself gives eternal life to the world through His work of salvation. There is no other place to find eternal life; […]
Moses had his hands full with the Israelites in the wilderness. Moses is known as a great leader and prophet of God who delivered the Israelites during the Exodus; but the last third of his life must have been extremely stressful dealing with the rebellious Israelites1. Repeatedly in Scripture we hear that the Israelites were […]
Do you remember the 10 Plagues that God brought on Egypt? Pharaoh had defied the Lord; he refused to listen to Moses the prophet, and he would not let the Israelites leave Egypt. So God sent the 10 Plagues, meant to show the power and the glory of the One True God, and lead Pharaoh […]
Like the prophets of old, Jesus proclaimed the Word of God and He worked mighty miracles. The people marveled at what Jesus said and did; they knew there was something special about Him, but they just didn’t know exactly what it was. There were many opinions, lots of rumors, and all kinds of speculation. Jesus […]