The Gospel of Luke begins the parable of the Sower and the Seed with a triple emphasis on sowing. Literally it says “a Sower went out to sow his seed, as he was sowing…” Jesus teaches us that the seed is the Word of God, and of course, Jesus Himself is the Sower. He is […]
Worship is truly the pulse of your spiritual life. If your faith is living and active, then you will be worshipping; if your faith is dead or dying, then you will not be worshipping. Worship is the most public thing that you do as a Christian; it signals and sets you apart as a believer […]
Christology is the study of Christ; it’s a study of Who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Christology is some of the most complicated and difficult theology to learn. Today we’ll hear the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. The Transfiguration can help us understand Who Jesus is! In the Transfiguration, Jesus […]
One of the prophecies of the Messiah was that He would be a prophet like Moses, but greater than Moses, because He would speak the very words of God as God1. Jesus is that Prophet that God promised to send; who as the Son of God, speaks the very words of God as God Himself! […]
The Bible doesn’t tell as much about most of Jesus’ life. We learn about His miraculous birth in Bethlehem, the Angels singing their songs to the shepherds, the Miraculous star in the sky that led the Magi to Jesus, the flight into Egypt to escape the wrath of King Herod, a couple visits to Jerusalem […]
In the New Testament, a mystery is not a secret that God withholds from you; but rather a truth that He reveals to you. One of the greatest mysteries of the New Testament is that the Gentiles are included in salvation! Jesus lived and died not just for the Jews; but for all people . […]
This Advent season, we have been working with the idea of Jesus as the “Christ.” The word “Christ” is a title for Jesus; it teaches us that He is the long promised Savior of the Old Testament times. He is the Son of God who has come into the world to do the work of […]
Advent is it time when we remember and rejoice that Jesus is the Christ, the long-awaited Messiah of the Old Testament times1. This is a crucial part of the Gospel; this is the storyline of Holy Scripture; the word “Christ” captures the Person and Work of the Son of God! The Lord Jesus is the […]
Some of you have probably sat on a jury before, and the rest of us have seen enough ‘law and order’ type shows that we have a good understanding of what it means. In a trial, a line of witnesses come forward to testify that something is true. The jury listens to the evidence and […]
How many Advent seasons have you celebrated throughout your life? For many of us, we’ve been celebrating Advent every year of our lives; for others, Advent may be somewhat new, and for others, maybe even unknown. Advent is part of the Church Year — the Church Year is basically a calendar where each day and […]