Lent is an old English word for “springtime”, and has roots into German that mean the “lengthening of days” — a reference to daylight increasing as you leave winter and move into spring. In Church usage, Lent is the 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. These 40 days are preparation for Holy Week […]
Put your faith in the Promises of God and rehearse the promises God makes to you: • Watch over your life Psalm 121 • Defend you from all evil Psalm 97:10 • Provide your daily bread Matthew 6:11 • Make all things work for good in your life Romans 8:28 • Listen to and answer […]
Both eternal life now and the certain hope of the resurrection of the dead on the Last Day were given to you in Holy Baptism, and all of this happens only because of the powerful Word of Jesus, who Himself has already risen from the dead! A story like this Miracle in Nain deepens our […]
If you did an Internet search of Jesus’ miracles, it would tell you that Jesus did 37 miracles1 that are recorded in Scripture. You know a lot of these miracles, such as walking on water, healing the blind, casting out demons, and raising the dead. Miracles are displays of God’s power and grace that prove […]
The following passage describes why Jesus came into the world. You might say that it is Jesus’ “mission statement”. This passage explains what Jesus does for us as the Savior of the world. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has […]
If you struggle with doubt, then consider it like a fire in your house. You immediately put it out; you do not kindle the fire, nor let it burn, because it will grow into a blazing inferno and all would be lost. Doubt is like that, it is like a little fire that burns slowly […]
Jesus was driven out into the wilderness to face Satan for you in your place. Jesus overcame every temptation and ultimately defeated Satan by His death on the cross. The victory is already been won by Christ and given to you through faith! Stand firm, and resist the devil! Amen!
Jesus teaches us to think of Holy Baptism as being “born again.” Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” . . . Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot […]
In the New Testament, a mystery is not a secret that God withholds from you; but rather a truth that He reveals to you. One of the greatest mysteries of the New Testament is that the Gentiles are included in salvation! Jesus lived and died not just for the Jews; but for all people . […]
50 years ago, a handful of faithful Lutherans worked hard to establish our congregation here at Trinity Lutheran Church. Literally, through their blood, sweat, and tears, the Holy Spirit worked and a congregation was formed; a building was built, a Pastor was Called, and people gathered to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. […]