When you think about the Lutheran Reformation, one of the easiest ways to think about it is with the phrase “Sola Fide” — by faith alone. That was one of the ways that the Reformers’ summarized their differences with the Roman Catholic Church. “Sola Fide” — by faith alone — is the biblical way of […]
A term that’s helpful to learn and know when it comes to Theology, Christian doctrine, and the study of Scripture is Gospel Motivation. Gospel Motivation is a way to describe that our Christian faith and life is motivated by the good news of eternal salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Gospel Motivation keeps the proper […]
Your God given faith in Christ connects you and unites you to the Savior Jesus Christ and all of His gifts of salvation. This gift was given to you by the power of the Word, and the water of Holy Baptism. As you live your everyday life, your God-given faith in Christ also connects you […]
The truths of the Christian Faith, is what we study and learn throughout our lives as we grow and mature as Christians. For instance, • In the Christian Faith, you hear the truth of God’s Law, and apply it to your life; you let it do its work of exposing your sin and leading you […]
Unfortunately, we are all too familiar with COVID-19 — aren’t we? And it now appears that COVID may be on the rise again as the virus mutates. THIS IS A GOOD TIME to review some Biblical truths, to re-center ourselves, to orientate our thinking, and to put this worldwide pandemic in its proper place according […]
The major themes of the Gospel of John remind us of the rhythm and flow of our own Christian faith and life. As we live as God’s holy people, we are always being reminded that Jesus is the Son of God who gave His life on a cross for us. The Christian faith and life […]
One of the things that you see in the Gospel of John is that Jesus turns up the pressure about being His disciple. To follow Jesus, to be a Christian or a disciple is serious business. Jesus makes it clear that being His disciple is not one in name only; nor is His Church some […]
Jesus is indeed the long-awaited, Messianic King of Israel, but in His suffering and death, this King dies for all people and all nations! The King of Heaven and Earth and everything in them takes our place on the cross and pays the penalty for our sin. The King of the Jews dies — so […]
Peace is a great blessing of salvation that is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Peace in the Bible is NOT the absence of problems, pain, hardships, or suffering, but rather peace IS the confidence that God is greater than your problems, pain and suffering, and that through it all, you are OK because […]
Jesus is the Bread of Life! Whoever comes to Him shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Him shall never thirst! Jesus has come down from heaven, like Manna from God, to give life to the world! His life, death, and resurrection was His work that brings life to the world. You eat the Bread […]