ALL IDOLS AND FALSE GODS ARE DEMONS. I know that is a bold statement that might catch you off guard. But it’s true. All idols and false gods are demonic. There is no such thing as “other gods”. It is not like there is a pantheon of gods and as Christians, we follow the one […]
Pentecost Sunday is the day that we remember when the Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to His Church. In a dramatic display of power, the Gospel is preached and 3000 people come to faith! Ever since then, the Holy Spirit is at work through the Gospel to create faith and bring […]
Jesus is our risen and ascended Lord and Savior who sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. The right hand of God the Father is a position of power and authority. Jesus uses that position of power and authority as our King, making everything work for good in the world and in […]
Jesus Himself commands us to take His Gospel Good News of salvation to the nations of the earth. • Matthew 28:19-20 • Mark 16:15 • Luke 24:46-47 • John 20:22-23 • Acts 1:8 Those are some powerful verses; Jesus Himself commands us to take His Gospel Good News of salvation to the nations of the […]
YOU KNOW ABOUT the Creation of the World. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created everything seen and unseen in six, 24-hour days, and He rested on the seventh day. Everything was “very good.” But that did not last long. Soon sin corrupted this creation; Satan deceived Eve. Adam disobeyed […]
Today is Confirmation Sunday! The word “taught” is “catechesis”. It not only describes our Confirmation kids; but all of us as well. As a baptized, conservative Lutheran Christian, you are to be a lifelong learner of Christ and His Word so that you can have the “certainty of the thing you have been taught.” Every […]
One of the fascinating things that happened on Easter was the Emmaus meal. The story was told in our Gospel lesson for today. It was Easter evening, two disciples are walking home after the stressful weekend in Jerusalem. They were heart-broken and confused. They were followers of Jesus; they had heard and believed His teaching. […]
“Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God, amen!” ~Martin Luther, April 18, 1521 The only way that Luther could make such a confession was by the power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. That Gospel Good News created a zeal, confidence, and boldness within Luther . . . […]
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the Third Day is the cornerstone of the Christian Faith and the foundation of the Holy Christian Church. • It proves that Jesus is God and that His Word it’s trustworthy and true • It confirms that your sins are forgiven because God the Father has […]
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central teaching of the Holy Christian Church; it is the most important thing in the Kingdom of God, and it is the Gospel Good News that brings forgiveness of sins and eternal life to every one of us! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the […]