November 8, 2020: Your Body is Important!

Your body is important! As Christians, it is important that we don’t focus so much on our souls that we neglect the importance of our bodies. In fact, your body is as important as your soul when it comes to the Christian faith and life. • God the Father has created you with both a […]

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Can you imagine if the government took over all the churches; and created One State Church instead? No other church would be allowed, and if you tried to maintain conservative Lutheran worship and beliefs, your pastors would be arrested and you would be fined. That’s how it was in the early 1800s in Germany. A […]

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October 25, 2020: Reformation Sola’s

Have you ever talked to someone who had no idea what it means to be a Lutheran? Sometimes it’s astonishing what people think Lutheran means. Today as we celebrate Reformation Sunday, let’s make sure that we completely understand and can clearly define what it means to be a conservative Lutheran!! The world we live in […]

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October 18, 2020: Memorizing Scripture

What is your first thought when you hear the words “Memorizing Scripture”? Did any of you have an adverse or negative feeling towards that? Did it make you cringe? If so, have you ever wondered why that is? I think Satan is at work when it comes to the Word of God — making us […]

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October 11, 2020: Quiet Times

A Quiet Time of solitude, prayer, and meditation is a comfortable and familiar time with the Lord . It’s just you and your Creator; your Savior; and your Sanctifier all alone – and together – around His Word. It is maximizing the unbelievable access you have to the One True and Only God! Very early […]

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September 27, 2020: Michael & all Angels

In the church year, this week marks the celebration of St. Michael and all Angels. It’s a time in the year to remember the spiritual Today we hear the fascinating story of how God used Michael the Archangel and the holy angels to expel Satan and his wicked demons from heaven. Now war broke out […]

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When you think about the book of Hebrews, one way to think about it is to ask yourself “where does the action occur?” What is the primary location of the book? In the book of Hebrews, our attention is drawn to God’s presence in Heaven; and specifically, Heaven is described like the Holy of Holies […]

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In the Old Testament times, access to God in worship was severely limited. Everything reminded the people of their sin. Today we heard story of the Israelites gathering around the Lord at Mount Sinai. They were in God’s presence, but they could not get close. It was gloom and doom; the dark clouds, the thunder, […]

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