The first chapter of the book of Hebrews is one of the grandest and most majestic chapters in all of Scripture. It is high Christology, where Jesus is presented as the last, great, & final Prophet of God, He is the Son of God, the Heir of all things, the Creator of the universe, the […]
Angels are created beings that serve God and His People. They were created good, pure and holy. They are spirits; they do not have bodies like we do. They are personal beings with names, such as Gabriel and Michael – which are mentioned in Scripture. They are able to move in a different ways than […]
Do you remember some of the great Old Testament prophets? † Moses who let the Israelites out of Egypt in the great Exodus story, and who spoke face-to-face with God † Elijah, the bold prophet who called fire down from heaven and killed the prophets of Baal † Jonah, the reluctant prophet, who was swallowed […]
IT WAS 9:00am ON SUNDAY MORNING … 120 people had gathered with the Apostles to worship the Lord. It had been 50 days since Jesus rose from the dead. 10 days earlier, Jesus ascended into heaven. He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for a gift the He would send to them. They would […]
The Ascension is the last time Jesus was visibly with his disciples. After giving them the Great Commission, Jesus physically leaves the earth. It was a grand miracle in which gravity was suspended, and Jesus disappeared into a cloud. The Ascension signaled that the Resurrection appearances of Christ will end, and that we should not […]
One of the things that that has affected us during this time of “shut-down” and “quarantine” is that we have gone 8 weeks now without public worship — for many of us, we have never gone that long before! Psalm 84 talks about being away from the house of the Lord and separated from public […]
Psalm 121 teaches us that God is never exhausted, He is never weary, and He is never inattentive to you and your needs. Like something extremely special, He constantly watches over you!
ASL Interpretation
ASL Interpretation
Psalm 22 is Jesus’ prayer while hanging on the cross, suffering for our sins. Psalm 22 is a Messianic Psalm that helps us understand the suffering and death of Jesus. We are most familiar with the first verse, which is the “4th Word” Jesus speaks from the cross. These words of Jesus are so important […]