When John the Baptist’s miracle birth was announced to Zechariah in the Temple, the angel made Zechariah mute until the baby was born. After Elizabeth gave birth to the baby, and at his circumcision, she named him John. That is when Zechariah was able to speak again, and he confirmed that the baby would be […]
In the Gospel of Luke, what happens to John the Baptist happens to Jesus but in a greater way, because Jesus is the Son of God. John the Baptist was a miracle baby given to elderly Zechariah and Elizabeth; and Zechariah responds with the song of praise called the Benedictus. Jesus is a miracle baby […]
In the Gospel of Luke, what happens to John the Baptist happens to Jesus; but what happens to Jesus is greater because He is the Son of God. Both are miracle babies, both are announced by angels, both had songs of praise sung about them. But today THE COMPARISON STOPS when Angels fill the skies […]
Due to technical difficulties, the audio of this sermon is unavailable. Mercy is showing kindness to someone in need. Mercy always starts with God — Mercy is an attribute of God — it’s His nature to be merciful; mercy is a part of His character. God is always showing kindness to people in need.
God’s gift of salvation is frequently described in terms of a Last Will and Testament. In fact, the Bible is divided according to the OLD Testament and the NEW Testament! Using this Last Will and Testament word picture of salvation, God is the testator, and you are the beneficiary.You get an inheritance from God through […]
Hallelujah is an Old Testament Hebrew word that means “Praise the Lord!” It is perhaps the loftiest word in the Christian faith; it is a word of joy, of thanksgiving, and of trust in the One True and Only God. In the Book of Psalms, the last five Psalms are called Hallelujah Psalms because they […]
John the Baptist is the transition between the Old Testament and the New Testament. He is the long promised forerunner of the Messiah. John the Baptist makes the good confession when he points to Jesus and says “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” Jesus Himself makes the good […]
It is so easy for people to lose their way today, isn’t it? It seems that people have no anchor whatsoever; they have no internal compass to guide them through life; they have no objective truth at all, so they chase after anything that makes them feel good; they will even believe in lies and […]
We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Our salvation is not dependent on us; it is not dependent on our good works, nor our sincere efforts. Rather, salvation is dependent on the One, True, and Only God: the Father who sent His Son Jesus to redeem us from our […]
One of the most important books in the Bible begins with a strong warning about who you let influence you; it’s a warning about who you listen to and even who you associate with. The book of Psalms begins with a sharp contrast between those who listen to and are influenced by the WORLD and […]