Pray at all times in the Spirit! Eph 6:18 St. Paul wraps up the book of Ephesians by encouraging them (and us!) to pray. We are to offer our supplications to God; we are to pray and keep alert; we are to pray with perseverance; we are to pray for other believers; and Paul even […]
The book of Ephesians teaches us that we are to Walk in the Lord. In Holy Scripture “walking” is a frequently used metaphor to describe your entire life; it includes your confession and your reputation; it includes what you say and how you live; ultimately, the way you Walk reflects your faith or your lack […]
When you think about the Armor of God, it’s tempting to think that you’re a brave, swashbuckling Christian engaged in spiritual battle! But you are not! That’s how false teachers portray the Armor of God; they teach that you are a great crusader, a “warrior for Jesus” who combats Satan and overcomes demons by your […]
The Book of Ephesians draws a line in the sand and teaches us that we are never ever to go back into the old life of sin. One of the most dangerous areas where this might happen is with “pornia”. Pornia is the Greek word for sexual immorality; it is the basis, for instance, of […]
In Holy Baptism, God gave you new, spiritual, and eternal life. This New Life is called the “New Man”; it is the part of you that is holy and righteous; it loves the things of God.
When the Lord called you to faith and brought you into His Church, He gave you the gift of unity and peace. In the One, Holy, Christian, and Apostolic Church, God’s people are united and live at peace with God and each other. This gift of unity and peace is priceless; and as individuals we […]
One of the most fascinating, yet mysterious, teachings of the Bible is the Mystical Union. The term Mystical Union describes God living within you. The Bible speaks about all three Persons of the Holy Trinity living and dwelling within you in a special and unique way[1]. One of those places that teaches this doctrine is […]
Grace is God’s love and compassion in the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a word that means gift, and it highlights that salvation is a free gift that God gives just because He loves you. Grace reminds us that we never get God’s love or salvation by our own work or merit, but it is freely […]
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The word “suffer” means “to endure, to undergo, and to experience.” There many different kinds, levels, and degrees of suffering. The word “suffer” is usually used in terms of something unpleasant. Just as we suffer; and just as St. Paul suffered; even more did the Lord Jesus suffer. In fact, He came into the world […]