**AUDIO OF TODAY’S MESSAGE NOT AVAILABLE** Today we heard the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. It’s an example of humility, love, and service. But have you really thought about how lowly of a service this really was? Foot washing was a necessary act in biblical times because of the dusty roads and the […]

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How do you define humility? When you think of being humble, what comes to your mind? You will never find humility in the world; the way of the world is pride, self-exaltation, and self-importance. The world considers humility as a lack of assertiveness or shyness or even a lack of confidence, and so the world […]

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It started when Jesus was an infant; Joseph and Mary took the infant Jesus by night into Egypt to flee from King Herod’s murderous plot to kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem. Later, God would call His Son “out of Egypt”,  just as He called His Old Testament “son” – the nation of Israel […]

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In the New Testament, 37 miracles of Jesus are recorded. These miracles show His power over creation, disease, demons, and death. Each miracle is like an Epiphany spotlight shining on Jesus that reveals to us that He is the Son of God and the Savior of the world and that His Word is trustworthy and […]

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The focus of Lutheran Worship is on the Word and the Sacraments. Worship is God serving us through the proclamation of the Gospel — in words (Scripture), in water (Baptism), and “in, with, and under” the bread and the wine (Communion). We worship today just like the people did in Jesus’ day. In the Gospel […]

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Miracles are described as signs; it means that there is more to the miracle than the miracle itself! Miracles are signs that point to something else. Miracles point to Jesus and His Word. If Jesus can work a miracle, then His Word is true also. Miracles are signs that point to Jesus and the truthfulness […]

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The Epiphany spotlight shined on Jesus at His Baptism last week – Jesus in the water, the Holy Spirit descending like a dove, and God the Father publicly announcing, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” It was Jesus’ commissioning, His ordination to “fulfill all righteousness”. It signaled that the work […]

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Today the Epiphany spotlight takes us to Jesus’ baptism. Jesus is about 30 years old now. His Baptism dramatically reveals Him as the Savior of the world! It is the only time in all of Holy Scripture that all three Persons of the Holy Trinity are publicly revealed at the same time! That makes Jesus’ […]

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