The LWML is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. This group of Lutheran women are mission minded disciples who have a compassion for the lost. For over 75 years, this organization has collected more than $100,000,000 in loose change, which they call “mites”, for mission work in 43 countries! These Lutheran Women […]

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As conservative Lutheran Christians, we are a “Confessing People”. To “confess” the Christian faith means that you ECHO what God teaches us in His Word. The Holy Spirit works in you to open your heart and your mind so that you learn the truth about Who God is and what He has done for you, […]

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Have you ever been persecuted because of your faith? One day, as Paul and Silas were preaching in the city of Philippi, a demon possessed girl kept harassing them day after day, saying, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” While what she said was […]

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The Word of God is powerful, active, and effective. In the New Testament book of Hebrews, the Word of God is described as a Mighty Sword that cuts through all sin, deception, and lies that hide in our heart. In the New Testament book of Romans, the Word of God is the “dynamite” of God […]

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  In theology, there is a term that is helpful to know and remember when you think about the Gospel. The term is “Divine Monergism”.   Divine Monergism is formed from three Latin words and it means “God’s One Work.” It refers to salvation being God’s One Work alone; that from beginning to end, our salvation […]

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  The word “conversion” is a Latin word that means to “turn around”; in theology it means the turning of sinners to God. Only God can convert sinners. Only the Lord can take someone without faith in Christ and give them faith in Christ. Conversion is God’s work alone through His powerful Word. Matthew was […]

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September 09 2018 Revelation 13: Heaven!

You are on a journey from Baptism to Heaven. In Holy Baptism, the Lord rescued you from the sinful, corrupt, and collapsing world and brought you into His Kingdom. In Baptism, God forgave your sins and gave you His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides you through the Word of God as you make your […]

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  This Lake of Fire image is similar to the  “fire and brimstone” of the Old Testament. Fire and brimstone is an Old Testament way to speak of God’s wrath, condemnation, and judgment on the ungodly and unrepentant.   “Brimstone” is an archaic name for sulfur; it’s that harsh odor of volcanic activity. In the Old […]

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The word Hallelujah[1] is the combination of two Old Testament Hebrew words that mean “Praise the Lord!”. It is a joyful and lofty word that rejoices in God and all of His blessings to us. Hallelujah is a faith response; it is praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for Who He is and what He […]

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