There is an urgency to the Christian faith and life. We live in the End Times – the Last Days. Time is limited; opportunity is brief. We only have a fixed number of days left to live. St. Paul emphasizes this urgency in the book of Romans.
One of the most fundamental truths in theology and holy Scripture is this: Sanctification follows Justification. Sanctification is your holy life; and it ALWAYS comes after justification, after God declares you “not guilty!” of your sins through faith in Christ. Another way of saying it is this: FIRST GOD FORGIVES YOU; THEN YOU DO GOOD […]
If God is for you, who can be against you? In the Book of Romans, St. Paul teaches us that we can live without fear, without worry and without stress because of two key truths. He highlights two ways that God is “for us” and not against us.
As believers in Christ, our stance towards suffering is to “patiently endure”. Patient endurance does not mean that you close your eyes and hold your breath and hope it goes away. Biblically, “patiently endurance” is the posture of faith in the midst of suffering. Patient endurance is holding on to God and His promises through […]
Martin Luther once said this: The believing man has the Holy Spirit; and where the Holy Spirit dwells, He will not let a man to be idle, but stirs him up to all kinds of godliness and good works, and of true religion, to the love of God, to the patient suffering of afflictions, to […]
peace, access, and hope is how we live our lives as believers. peace, access, and hope give you a stability in your life. peace, access, and hope summarize the entire Christian faith and life!
There are 39 books in the Old Testament, written over a 1,500-year time period. The OT has 929 chapters and over 23,000 verses. The OT teaches us the early history of the world, and the formation of Israel as the people of God.The Old Testament is part of the holy, inspired, and inerrant Word of […]
There are a handful of significant milestone events in Church history that stand out. Perhaps the first was the Jerusalem Council recorded in Acts 15. False teachers were teaching that you had to be circumcised and obey the Law of Moses in order to be saved. It created a huge controversy in the early Church. […]
In the book of Romans, St. Paul spends 2½ chapters teaching about the wrath of God; he teaches us that THE UNRIGHTEOUS WILL DIE. What that means is that we are all unrighteous and we all deserve to face the wrath of God. BUT…
When the Bible teaches us about the righteousness of God, it does not mean that we have to be righteous, holy, and perfect on our own, but rather that God declares us righteous, holy, and perfect in His sight. Righteousness is a legal verdict from God; it is an official pronouncement that we are “not […]