Paul notes in his letter to the Romans that He is a slave of Christ. This is the idea of ownership; he belongs to Christ Jesus; he was “bought and paid for” by the blood of Christ on the cross. Join us as we start our summer series on this grace-filled letter to the people […]

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In the Lutheran Reformation, God the Holy Spirit worked through the Word of God in a powerful way. Here is how Martin Luther described it in a sermon of 1522: “I simply taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing. And while I slept, or drank Wittenberg beer with my friends, the Word […]

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The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven was like the firing of the starter’s gun at a track meet, or the click of the stopwatch. The timer is going; the countdown to the Last Day began when Jesus ascended into Heaven. Time is now measured and limited. How are we to live in these Last Days? […]

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2017 Easter 2 The Miracle In Nain

Spiritually speaking, we are in the coffin and on our way to the cemetery in sin! We need Jesus to have compassion on us and intervene on our behalf —– otherwise we will all die in our sin; without Jesus, we all would be dead and buried forever!

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2017 Easter Sunday

Jesus rose from the dead on the third day! The Bible teaches it, we confess it in the Creeds,  and it’s the heart and core of the Christian faith. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day Those words “on the third day” are not just a phrase that is tacked on to the […]

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2017 Palm Sunday

Today, on Palm Sunday, Jesus the King enters Jerusalem with great fanfare! The King enters the Royal City; God comes to His Holy Temple! The people are ecstatic! There is a parade of people weaving through the streets of Jerusalem. Some are waving palm branches, others are laying their robes on the road before Him, […]

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2017 Lent 3 Abiding In The Vine

Today Jesus teaches us about life in the Kingdom of God using two key words; two words that define our relationship with Him through faith. Both words are captured in this one verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; […]

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