One of the highlights of our lives as conservative Lutheran Christians is Confirmation Day. Confirmation Sunday, which we are celebrating today, is a day when our youth stand before their families, this congregation, the world, and their God to boldly confess their faith. They have been in training for up to four years, learning the […]
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central teaching of the Holy Christian Church; it is the most important thing in the Kingdom of God, and it is the Gospel Good News that brings forgiveness of sins and eternal life to every one of us! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the […]
One of the ancient heresies is called Docetism; it plagued the Christian Church for centuries starting in the New Testament days. The word docetism comes from the word “to show or to appear,” and it taught that Jesus just appeared as a man, but He really was not God in flesh. It taught that Jesus […]
The MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH in the Christian faith is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ proves that Jesus is the Son of God; that His words are true and trustworthy; and that your sins have been paid for! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead separates Christianity […]
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything! The Resurrection defines your life as a Christian; as one who trusts in Jesus. • The Resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. • The Resurrection is the source of your new life in Christ that you live each day • The Resurrection makes Holy Baptism ‘Living […]
The Distinctive Feature Of Palm Sunday is of course, the Palms. The Bible teaches us that on that first Palm Sunday, the people were so excited to welcome Jesus that they scrambled to cut palm branches. They would wave them in the air in celebration and excitement; and some would lay them in the road […]
We are getting close to the end of the Lenten season, and the Lenten season ends in a flurry of significant events: Palm Sunday, Monday Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday, which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Today we remember what’s behind Lent and Holy Week: that God the […]
God has called you by name to believe in Jesus. Before God created the heavens and the earth and everything seen and unseen, He chose you to be His very own. By name, by grace, in Christ, God chose you to be a Christian. And then during your lifetime, He worked the events of your […]
This is what God requires of you: You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48 ANYTHING SHORT OF THAT MEANS THAT YOU ARE LOST FOREVER. Jesus lived a perfectly obedient life under the 10 Commandments for us and our salvation. Everything the Law of God required of us He fulfilled. He […]
Every time an Old Testament Israelite turned around, there was a sacrifice. God kept the idea of sacrifice and the shedding of blood in front of His Old Testament people from the beginning. God never wanted them to forget how serious their sin was; and that it was going to take the shedding of blood […]