We start Advent today by thinking through one of the major themes of Advent: God’s faithfulness! • God is faithful and He kept His Old Testament promises to send the Savior, born in Bethlehem. • God is faithful and He promises that you are saved from sin, guilt and death: He Himself came down from […]
Judgment Day is coming … and it is coming soon! Jesus teaches us that we are to watch and pray, be alert and ready for His return on the Last Day. All the Signs of the End that the Scripture tells us to look for are occurring1 … everyday, all the time. The signs of […]
When you think about the Last Day, and seeing Jesus in the sky with all the Holy Angels, how do you picture it. Do you picture it like a bird in the sky that will gradually just get larger and larger as He gets closer? Or perhaps you picture a dramatic rolling of clouds that […]
A frequent conversation I have with people has to do with daily devotions. The conversation almost always goes the same way; it’s almost always about the frustration to remain faithful in doing daily devotions. Perhaps you know exactly what I’m talking about. You have good intentions, you want to spend time in the Word and […]
THE LORD’S PRAYER ends as it began … with praise to God. The Lord’s Prayer begins with a focus on Our Father in Heaven; His Name, His Kingdom, and His Will, asking that these things be done on earth as they are in heaven. The Lord’s Prayer concludes with a doxology that re-focuses our attention […]
The Lord’s Prayer is all about God; Who He is and what He does for us. Jesus teaches us to focus our attention on God the Father in this prayer; to look to Him for all good things; and to turn to Him in times of trouble. The Lord’s Prayer is all about God! • […]
The “Lord’s” Prayer is Jesus’ Prayer that He shares with us. In the Lord’s Prayer, we pray “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Here is how we learn it in the Small Catechism: THE FIFTH PETITION OF THE LORD’S PRAYER And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those […]
The Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’ prayer that He shares with us. It’s a model prayer: it’s a structure, format, and content for us to use in our own prayers to Our Father In Heaven. Today we are looking at the phrase, Thy Will Be Done. You can view God’s will in two ways: His Revealed […]
When you think of the Kingdom of God, one of your first thoughts is probably that Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God. And rightly so, because Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He fulfills the prophecies given to King David that one his descendants will have an […]
Do you know how you were named? Perhaps you have a family member’s name; or you are named after someone significant to your parents. Perhaps your name comes from the Bible, or maybe your parents were working with a theme when naming you. Or maybe your folks just liked the name, and wanted to give […]