The New Testament is filled with Old Testament people; repeatedly, Jesus and His Apostles in the New Testament point us back to Old Testament people as examples for us to learn from. St Paul even writes that the Old Testament was written as examples and warnings for us today (1 Cor 10:11). God expects you […]
As you study and grow in the faith, there is a term in Lutheran Theology that is extremely helpful and useful to know: it’s called Exclusive Particles. An exclusive particle is a phrase the Bible uses for emphasis; it’s a crucial clarification that we are saved by Christ and His work, and never by our […]
The Church’s greatest troublemakers are not those outside of the Church who oppose, ridicule, and persecute; but those INSIDE the Church who try to change the Gospel. That is what was happening to the churches of Galatia: false teachers were changing the Gospel! St. Paul had planted the churches in the Galatia area of the […]
The book of Galatians has the most explosive start of any Biblical book! St. Paul starts writing the book of Galatians with guns blazing and declaring that he is a genuine Apostle and that he preaches the authentic Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first two chapters of Galatians is all about St. Paul […]
The Holy Christian Church is constantly harassed and plagued by false teachers. Even the Apostles had to deal with false teachers. The New Testament books of Galatians, 1,2,3 John, and Jude were written specifically to counter the false doctrines of false teachers. Jesus warned us to beware of false prophets, they come to you in […]
As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday today, be sure not to misunderstand what is happening. This is not the first time that we hear about the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit first appears in the second verse of the Bible, instrumental in the creation of the world. The Holy Spirit has always worked […]
The strength of the Lutheran Church, of course, is its doctrine: it’s theology that focuses our attention on the Lord Jesus Christ and His work of salvation for us. The gospel of Christ is what started the Lutheran Reformation 500 years ago, and it is what continues to distinguish us as conservative Lutheran Christians. For […]
The Christian Church is about proclaiming eternal salvation, and that eternal salvation is only found in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His life, death, and resurrection. Only in Him do you find life, peace, and the forgiveness of sins! In God’s great love and mercy for us, He freely gives us […]
When Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, one of the things that happened was that the curtain in the Temple in Jerusalem was torn in two (Matthew 27:51) That curtain separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was a separate room in the Temple that signaled God’s […]
The word vindicate means to show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified. It has the idea of substantiating, or demonstrating, that something is true. The resurrection of Jesus Christ vindicates everything that Jesus said. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is such a grand and great miracle that it shows, demonstrates, and proves that […]