Martin Luther once said this: The believing man has the Holy Spirit; and where the Holy Spirit dwells, He will not let a man to be idle, but stirs him up to all kinds of godliness and good works, and of true religion, to the love of God, to the patient suffering of afflictions, to […]
A big thank you to Pastor Les Self for filling in for these past two weeks while Pastor Bolte was on vacation!
Paul teaches us in Romans chapter 6 that baptism is so much more than a simple ritual or something we do as an outward reflection of an internal faith. This gift and act of God bestows on the individual the blessings of faith unto salvation!
peace, access, and hope is how we live our lives as believers. peace, access, and hope give you a stability in your life. peace, access, and hope summarize the entire Christian faith and life!
There are 39 books in the Old Testament, written over a 1,500-year time period. The OT has 929 chapters and over 23,000 verses. The OT teaches us the early history of the world, and the formation of Israel as the people of God.The Old Testament is part of the holy, inspired, and inerrant Word of […]
In the book of Romans, St. Paul spends 2½ chapters teaching about the wrath of God; he teaches us that THE UNRIGHTEOUS WILL DIE. What that means is that we are all unrighteous and we all deserve to face the wrath of God. BUT…
Paul notes in his letter to the Romans that He is a slave of Christ. This is the idea of ownership; he belongs to Christ Jesus; he was “bought and paid for” by the blood of Christ on the cross. Join us as we start our summer series on this grace-filled letter to the people […]