August 27, 2023 • Galatians in Review

St. Paul was personally chosen by the resurrected Lord Jesus to be an Apostle. He is an authentic Apostle with the genuine Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul speaks with authority even today. The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Galatians, and we consider it inspired and inherent; it is part of the Holy Scriptures; it teaches us the truths of the Kingdom of God.

The book of Galatians brings into sharp focus the message of all of Scripture: God is our Savior, He saves us through His Son Jesus, and He gives it to you as a free gift of grace. You have been set free from the “works of the Law,” that is, any attempt to earn your own salvation.

You are free!
You are saved!
You are forgiven!
It is all given to you as a free gift: by the grace of God in the Lord Jesus Christ!

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