Put your faith in the Promises of God and rehearse the promises God makes to you:
• Watch over your life
Psalm 121
• Defend you from all evil
Psalm 97:10
• Provide your daily bread
Matthew 6:11
• Make all things work for good in your life
Romans 8:28
• Listen to and answer your prayers
Psalm 5:3
• Strengthen you when you are weak
Isaiah 41:10
• Comfort you when you mourn
Psalm 34:18
• Guide and direct every step of your life
Proverbs 3:5-6
• Give you His Holy Spirit
Luke 11:13
• Empower you for godly living
Romans 8:11
• Assure you of His love and forgiveness
Hebrews 10:22
• Give you hope, peace and security
Psalm 62:1-2
Holy Scripture teach us to look to the promises of God to see God’s almighty power at work in our lives; we are not to expect God to work personal miracles for us. God’s mighty power is seen in His grace and mercy at work through His Word and Sacraments in your life! Amen!