YOU KNOW ABOUT the Creation of the World.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created everything seen and unseen in six, 24-hour days, and He rested on the seventh day. Everything was “very good.” But that did not last long.
Soon sin corrupted this creation; Satan deceived Eve. Adam disobeyed God and DEATH came to every living thing.
Ever since then, all Creation is spiraling deeper and deeper into death, decay, and destruction.
The Gospel of John intentionally draws our attention to the Creation of the World in the very first verse. The salvation that Jesus will earn for us is pictured as a New Creation. And in the New Creation, you will live and not die; the Second Adam rescues you from the Old Adam; the Creator dies so that you can live!
In the New Creation, you are empowered to obey God’s Word and live in holiness. In the New Creation, you will live forever in the heavenly Garden of Eden!
If anyone is in Christ, he is New Creation. The old has passed away, and the new is here.
You are a New Creation in Christ, Amen.