Some Christian traditions break the first commandment into two, so the first commandment is “Thou shall have no other gods” and the second commandment is “Thou shall have no graven images.” They then combine the two “coveting” commandments into one. This is an Eastern church tradition which most Protestants today follow.
As Lutherans, our tradition is from the Western church. The first commandment is “Thou shall have no other gods”, and the verses about graven images helps to explain the First Commandment. The word order of the commandments about coveting indicate that they are separate, so we keep them separate and have the 9th and the 10th commandments — both about coveting.
The Bible is not concerned about the numbering of the Commandments; the Bible is concerned that you follow them as you live your life in Christ!
Today we are at looking at the last two commandments, both that deal with “coveting.” Coveting is a strong desire for something that is not your own; it is a sinful yearning and longing for something someone else has. Coveting is sinful ENVY.