Today, let God’s righteous, omnipotent hand uphold you! Let God’s Presence give you peace, strengthen you, and encourage you. The Holy Spirit is with you! Believe the promises of God and live with the confidence of faith. The Lord is with you: His Spirit remains with you! He knows you by name, He is at work, and He cares about the details of your life!
Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God grants you peace. He speaks words of peace to you: He forgives you; God declares you NOT GUILTY of your sins; He restores your broken relationship with Him, and He renews His promises to you!
Peace comes from God, through His Son Jesus Christ. Let the Peace of God which passes all understanding keep your heart and your mind on Christ Jesus — believe that you are forgiven, that your relationship with God is restored, and that God cares about you!