May 9, 2021 • Christ to the Nations

Jesus Himself commands us to take His Gospel Good News of salvation to the nations of the earth.

• Matthew 28:19-20
• Mark 16:15
• Luke 24:46-47
• John 20:22-23
• Acts 1:8

Those are some powerful verses; Jesus Himself commands us to take His Gospel Good News of salvation to the nations of the earth.

As an individual, you too have been placed in a mission field: your home, your work, your neighborhood. Our neighbors, the people we see on a regular basis, need to hear about Christ as much as the people in faraway nations. You are in their life for a reason: you are the light of Christ to them; a witness to help them learn about Jesus and His love. Lutheran outreach is about telling people about Jesus and bringing them to the Place where He gives forgiveness: In the Holy Chrisitan Church, Christ is present to forgive sins through His Word His Water, and in His Meal. You are the voice of Christ to the people in your life! What you do in your everyday vocations is equally important to a missionary or a Bible translator or a teacher in a Seminary! Don’t underestimate your witness for Christ! People need to hear it!

The Gospel is proclaimed, taught, preached, and shared! We thank God that we can be a part of that as a Congregation; and we pray that the Lord works through us to proclaim the Gospel to our neighbors!


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