Have you ever been in a situation where you’re taking pictures and you’ve been smiling so long that you start to feel it in your face?!! It’s like the “smile muscles” all start to ache at the same time! If you are not sure what I’m talking about, then just try this: smile and keep on smiling through the whole sermon!!
We usually associate a smile with happiness. Smiling is a natural thing that seems easy at first, but it is harder than it sounds. Researchers have identified 18 different kinds of smiles; using many of your facial muscles. For most people, after you smile continually for a while, you will start to feel all those muscles!
Doesn’t that describe the nature of happiness? You just can’t keep it going on and on forever. Like a smile, happiness only lasts for a short time: “happiness” is based on what “happens” in your life. As soon as your circumstances change, your happiness can be taken away!
HAPPINESS is dependent on your circumstances. JOY, on the other hand, is dependent on God.
Thankfully, we never have to stop being Joyful! God’s promises are always in effect in your life. We live every single day in Joy, rejoicing in our God, His Promises, and His never ending love for us! Amen!