50th Anniversary of Trinity Lutheran Church
What a joy for us to be the ones that get to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Trinity Lutheran Church! The work of seven families 50 years ago has affected our lives today, and hundreds and hundreds of families over the past FIVE decades! Their faithfulness and desire to worship the Lord in their own community led to the creation of this congregation.
Today, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, and the 507th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, it is good to remember what it means to be Lutheran. If you want to know what it means to be a conservative Lutheran, then just think this: It’s all about Jesus.
It’s all about Jesus because He is the one that God the Father sent to rescue us from our sin. We believe, teach, and confess that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone! The Church is not about your good works; nor about being a community center, nor adopting the world’s ways and thinking. For us, the Christian Church is all about Jesus and His salvation.
As conservative Lutherans, not only is our congregation Christ centered, BUT SO ARE OUR LIVES! We are grace filled people of faith! Our lives are all about Jesus!
Today we thank God for 50 Years of His grace to this Congregation. We thank God that we believe, teach, and confess the doctrines and teachings of conservative Lutherans: in other words,
It’s All About Jesus! Amen.