October 25, 2020: Reformation Sola’s

Have you ever talked to someone who had no idea what it means to be a Lutheran? Sometimes it’s astonishing what people think Lutheran means.

Today as we celebrate Reformation Sunday, let’s make sure that we completely understand and can clearly define what it means to be a conservative Lutheran!! The world we live in is so full of lies and deception; even that which is considered the “Christian Church” is so badly infected with false doctrine and overrun by false teachers that the truth is hard to find: the Gospel Good News is non-existent, immorality is promoted and celebrated, and Christ Jesus Himself is unknown, ignored, denied, or warped.

It is important that we completely understand and can clearly define what it means to be a conservative Lutheran!! An easy way to do that is to remember the Solas of the Reformation! Sola is a Latin word that means “alone or only”. It is the basis of the English word “solo”. The Lutheran Reformation can be summarized with the words ONLY Scripture, ONLY Grace, ONLY Faith, and ONLY Christ!

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