One of the things that you see in the Gospel of John is that Jesus turns up the pressure about being His disciple. To follow Jesus, to be a Christian or a disciple is serious business. Jesus makes it clear that being His disciple is not one in name only; nor is His Church some sort of a club that you belong to; nor can you neglect His Word. The Christian faith is not a hobby. In various ways, Jesus teaches us the seriousness of following Him.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus teaches us this same thing with the word “abide.” We are to abide in Christ and His Word.
“Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, ‘If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'” John 8:31-32
Abide in Him and Search the Scriptures are sanctification words; they are part of your holy life in Christ! These are things that Christians do after they are declared righteous, forgiven, and holy through faith in Christ.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus turns up the heat on our sanctification. We are to abide in Him and His Word.
As a believer in Christ, you are to learn, study, read, and even memorize God’s Holy Word! Make your home in the Word of God; live and move and have your being in the Holy Scriptures.
Abide in Christ, abide in His Word, and show yourself to be His disciple!