September 5, 2021 • The Peace of God

Peace is a great blessing of salvation that is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Peace in the Bible is NOT the absence of problems, pain, hardships, or suffering, but rather peace IS the confidence that God is greater than your problems, pain and suffering, and that through it all, you are OK because God loves you and is at work in your life.

If you struggle with guilt, worry, or fear, or if death and dying frightens you, then spent time with the promises of God. That is how the Holy Spirit works to give you peace; peace with God, peace in your life, and even peace at death. There is no other way! Spend time with the promises of God!

If you need help finding promises that apply to your life, talk to me or any of the church staff and we will be able to help you. God’s promises will meet your needs, strengthen your faith, and give you peace!

Shalom. Irene. Peace. It is a gift of salvation that comes through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today may the Good Lord give you that assurance, confidence and faith through His Word so that you have Peace with God; and that peace with God will lead to peace in your life and even peace at death. Amen!

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