In the Old Testament times, access to God in worship was severely limited. Everything reminded the people of their sin. Today we heard story of the Israelites gathering around the Lord at Mount Sinai. They were in God’s presence, but they could not get close. It was gloom and doom; the dark clouds, the thunder, the lightning, and the trumpets all frightened the people. They were signs of wrath and judgment. If the people got too close, they would be stoned or shot with arrows. They were in God’s holy presence; but they were sinful people, and they were kept at a distance. Everything in Old Testament worship pointed forward to Jesus, our Great High Priest, who alone would remove our sins by His once and for all death on the cross, and He would give us unlimited, unrestricted, and unparalleled access to the Father in Heaven. Worship is one of those places where we enjoy and experience the presence of God now in our lives!
Hebrews chapter 12 teaches us about New Testament worship … and it’s a bombshell!
When we gather for worship around the Lord Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, there is much more going on than the naked eye can see! Hebrews teaches us about seven different things at work in every worship service! Take a look at Hebrews 12:22-24.